Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ronald Reagan s Foreign Policy - 999 Words

Ronald Reagan was an actor and cowboy that must of the world didn’t take serious at first! But once he took the oath of office; he would get the world’s attention. He enters into office with the United States in an economic and military mess. He would fix the economic mess by cutting taxes and jump starting the economy. The military would be fixed by his Doctrine. The Reagan Doctrine was an aggressive foreign policy from 1981-87 in his first term as President he designed a plan to roll back Communism at its weakest points, and weaken the U.S.S.R by targeting the overthrow of its marginal allies in the non-industrialized World. Many pundits argue that it was a smashing success and dramatically undermined the power of the U.S.S.R, forcing it to retreat, and collapse by 1989. Reagan s foreign policy could be stated by his view of the U.S.S.R as the Evil Empire that is an illegitimate state. He rejected the dà ©tente policy that Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter had pursued until 1979, when the U.S.S.R invaded Afghanistan proved its failure. Reagan long had opposed the containment strategy. Reagan instead proposed Rollback, a strategy to steadily reduce and eventually eliminate the Communist threat. In 1981 the newly elected Reagan rejected Henry Kissinger and other advocates of dà ©tente and brought in hard-liners, many of them previously associated with Democratic Senator Henry Jackson. The Reagan Doctrine in fact operated as early as 1981, without a name, butShow MoreRelatedPresident Ronald Reagan s Foreign Policy1147 Words   |  5 PagesReagan’s Foreign Policy Some may say, President Ronald Reagan was defined by his foreign policy. Some may also consider that he made difficult decisions during his presidency in America. Unfortunately, he also made many mistakes as a president. Some think that his foreign policy is one of the errors that he made. 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